


Delicious fun cupcakes

These fun cupcakes made with artisan skill and carefully selected natural ingredients are sure to be a winner with little clients.

Zabaglione for any recipe

Warm and velvety, it is one of the best-loved traditional Italian patisserie custard sauces.


Panettone o Pandoro?

Impossible to resist these soft traditional Italian cakes that are a must during the festive period.

Perle di Natale

December… and preparations are underway for a deliciously sweet Christmas!

Sweet Christmas

Difficult to resist the temptation of this delicious semifreddo, with its traditional flavours that are all about Christmas.

Croissant Brioche & Co.

Put all your professional skills in play and delight the palate of your clients who will be blown away by the fragrance of these leavened products baked with artisan care and quality ingredients.